Why Therapy?

Receiving therapy is just like…

Getting a check-up at the doctor.

Or like getting our cars serviced because some of the parts are wearing down.

The SAME goes for our minds and our ability to handle stress!

Similarly, our minds may wear down and certain “bumps” in the road have caused our minds’ ability to adapt and learn from situations to be less effective. (I.e. release of stress hormones which can cause aches/pains in our bodies, difficulties sleeping, etc.)

It is important for us to maintain a healthy balance and to ensure that we are able to take on future challenges. Similarly to the car metaphor, if we don’t get that broken part fixed, we may not be able to drive the car as well and can cause later problems along the way.

13 Empowered Through EMDR Psychotherapy
8 Empowered Through EMDR Psychotherapy

THIS IS WHY I firmly believe that as long as we take care of things sooner than later, we are more apt to be able to function more effectively and attain our goals and become as successful as we dreamed of. Ask me how you can unlock your potential.

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